A companion who thinks plans organizes
every step on your behalf in order to make you feel safe.
Private Jet Charter
AOC holder GR-064
Broker friendly
Welcome to Merkur Air
With a management team comprising both Greek and European professionals, Merkurair is determined to set high industry standards.

Ground Handling
We provide full coordination with the authorities and suppliers for landing / overflight permissions, airport slots, ground handling, fuelling, catering, terminal operations for a smooth turn around. We represent airlines towards third parties. We also provide flight support and operations globally, aircraft management, hangarage, flight operation and dispatching for private jets. A full range of services are given to an airline for everything may be needed. Good communication and data flow, safe and fruitfull operation are just a call away.
Our Fleet
Private Jet and Cargo Charter

The transfer this morning was perfectly organized. The family caught their flight and all arrived safe and sound.
Thank you so much for all your support, efforts, and flexibility!!!
With warm regards,
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